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Pirates of the Caribbean Wiki

Theodore Groves

Main article: Theodore Groves

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

Spoken by Theodore Groves

―Theodore Groves to James Norrington[src]
"Hands, come about! Roll out the guns!"
―Theodore Groves to Norrington's crewmen[src]
"That's got to be the best pirate I've ever seen."
―Theodore Groves on Jack Sparrow[src]


"With the wind at quarter astern, we won't catch them."
"I don't need to catch them just get them in range of the long nines."
"Hands, come about! Run out the guns! We are to fire on our own ship, sir?"
"I'd rather see her at the bottom of the ocean than in the hands of a pirate.
―Theodore Groves and James Norrington[src]
"That's got to be the best pirate I've ever seen."
"So it would seem.
―Theodore Groves and James Norrington on Jack Sparrow[src]

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End

Spoken by Theodore Groves

"Do you think he plans it all out, or just makes it up as he goes along?"
―Theodore Groves on Jack Sparrow[src]
"Orders, sir! Sir!"
―Theodore Groves, looking to Cutler Beckett for orders[src]
"All hands! Abandon ship!"
―Theodore Groves gives the order to abandon ship[src]


"Lord Beckett! They've started to sing, sir."
―Theodore Groves and Cutler Beckett after pirates were singing Hoist the Colors[src]
"Which ship should we follow?"
"Signal the
Dutchman to track down Sao Feng. We follow the Pearl. How soon can we have the ship ready to pursue?"
―Theodore Groves and Lord Cutler Beckett[src]
"The enemy...has opted for oblivion. Ready the fleet."
"To your stations!
Cutler Beckett and Theodore Groves[src]
"What are they waiting for?"
"He expects us to honor our agreement.
―Theodore Groves and Cutler Beckett[src]

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

Spoken by Theodore Groves

"Sir? Orders, sir!"
―Theodore Groves to Hector Barbossa[src]
"I take it that was the signal."
―Theodore Groves rescuing Hector Barbossa[src]
"This land is hereby forever claimed in the glorious name of His Majesty, King George—"
―Theodore Groves' last words before being killed by the Spaniard[src]


"Captain. Sir. I am unhappy to report rumors, sir, among the crew, as to our destination."
"Shut your trap and make way. [Groves doesn't move] That's the way of it, then?"
"No disrespect, sir."
"What do the men fear? Say it. Speak the words."
"Whitecap Bay.
―Theodore Groves and Hector Barbossa[src]
"Sir. The men—"
"They be dead already."
"They don't sound dead."
"Oh, is that so? Well I hear nothing but...seagulls. Nesting. What is it that you hear, Mr. Groves?"
"...Seagulls. Nesting. Nothing more.
―Theodore Groves and Hector Barbossa[src]
"This land is hereby forever claimed in the glorious name of His Majesty, King George—"
[Groves is shot and killed by the Spaniard]
"...Someone make a note of that man's bravery.
―Theodore Groves and the Spaniard[src]


Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

"Orders, sir."
"I require a heading. I'll have my navigator to the helm."
"Aye, sir."
"Well, smart now!
―Theodore Groves and Hector Barbossa[src] (deleted scene)
"Orders, sir!"
"I'll have my navigator to the helm.
―Theodore Groves and Hector Barbossa[src]
"Orders, sir!"
"I'll have my navigator to the helm, Leftenant Commander Groves.
―Theodore Groves and Hector Barbossa[src] (screenplay draft)
"I hear nothing but...seagulls. Nesting. What is it you hear, Mister Groves? What is it our beloved King George Augustus, Duke of Luneburg, et cetera et cetera would hear?"
"Seagulls. Nesting. Nothing more."
"Could be pelicans.
Hector Barbossa, Theodore Groves and Gillette[src] (screenplay draft)
"This land, and all its attendant mystical properties, is hereby forever claimed in the glorious name of his Majesty King George the second—"
―Theodore Groves[src] (screenplay draft and featurette)