Pirates of the Caribbean Wiki


Pirates of the Caribbean Wiki
Pirates of the Caribbean Wiki

"I think he and his crew were captured more times than he actually set sail."
"Oh, I'm not making it up, am I? Your biggest haul was a boatload of bananas on its way from Jamaica!
Laura Smith and Torrents[src]

Jamaica was an island situated in the Caribbean Sea. It is the third largest island—after Cuba and Hispaniola—of the Greater Antilles and the Caribbean, and located northeast of the Central American mainland. Founded by the English, Port Royal was a bustling harbor town situated on the eastern tip of Jamaica. Appointed by the King of England, Weatherby Swann was the proud Governor of the British colony at Port Royal on the vibrant and prosperous island of Jamaica.


Spanish colony[]

Jamaica was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1494. The first Spanish settlers arrived on the island in 1510. The Spaniards grew sugar and bananas on Jamaica but it remained mainly a re-supplying stop between Central America and Spain. Meanwhile the native people, Arawaks, were decimated by European diseases. They were also enslaved. Eventually the native population was almost wiped out. From 1517 the Spaniards imported African slaves to work in Jamaica.

British colony[]

Port Royal Edinburgh

Port Royal in the 1720s.

In 1655, the island was captured by an English expedition led by Admirals Penn and Venables. A few years after the capture of Jamaica, the English colonists on the island continued importing African slaves on large scale for sugar plantations. Such activities brought prosperity to the island's plantation owners, who exported the sugar produced to Europe. Plantations dominated economic, political and cultural life on the island.

In 1657 Jamaica became a base of operations for English buccaneers, pirates and privateers, including Captain Henry Morgan. Port Royal was an infamous pirate locale, though this was countered through the efforts of individuals such as Governor Weatherby Swann and Commodore James Norrington of the British Royal Navy. Lord Cutler Beckett of the East India Trading Company set himself up in Jamaica, and from there spearheaded a war against piracy across the Seven Seas.

Behind the scenes[]



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